I hope you are not hungry while reading this post but I know for sure you will be after you’re done. As you probably saw from the first picture already, I will share the “recipe” to a medium-raw cooked steak.
Why steak you ask? (since the last food post was something very healthy and light)
Well first because I’m not really following a pattern here on the blog. I’m honestly photographing, writing and posting whatever I like at the moment, and second because it is Natan’s favorite meal and we had it quite often lately s0 we kind of became Steak cooking pros (a bit…maybe) .
What you need ?!
The most important thing, as you may think, is the meat! We always use the tender fillet meat (it`s a steak cut of beef taken from the smaller end of the tenderloin).
First things first, let the raw meat rest till it reaches room temperature. Next thing to do is prepping the meat with salt and steak spices on both sides (i will link you some below). When the raw meat reached room temperature and is all spiced up, throw it into the pre-heated and with walnut-oil prepped pan (let it get to max temperature). Depending on the thickness of your steak, make sure you let it fry on each side up to 2 min (Natan´s steak was around 300g while mine was 200g). When you turn the steak, let it fry for a minute and then add some butter into the mix (approximately 50g).
After 4-5 min of frying the meat, carefully take the steak out of the pan (no jabbing with fork or knife!!!) and put it into the pre-heated oven (100 degrees Celsius). Leave it in there for about 7-10 min. (If you have an oven-thermometer you can check the temperature of your steak which should be between 50 for rare to 58 degrees Celsius for medium rare.)
Last but not least: after taking the perfectly cooked steak out of the oven, let it rest for at least 10 min before digging in!
As a side dish you can choose whatever you prefer. We went for a simple green salad with some feta cheese and a balsamic-mustard dressing.
Have fun cooking, enjoy and let us know how your steak turned out.
– Andrea and Natan
20. März 2017 @ 16:49
Die Tipps sind wirklich sehr hilfreich, da die Steak Zubereitung nicht so einfach ist. Besonders spannend finde ich ja die Zubereitung mit Walnussöl. Werde ich beim nächsten Mal gleich mal ausprobieren. 🙂 Die Bilder sind übrigens total schön geworden. Und die Steaks sehen einfach nur köstlich aus. 😉
Liebe Grüße Martina
21. März 2017 @ 13:28
Danke Martina! 😀
21. März 2017 @ 18:55
Sieht das lecker aus!! Würde ich direkt verdrücken 😛
Danke für die tollen Tipps, die werde ich mir nächstes Mal zu Herzen nehmen ♥
Ganz liebe Grüße,
Julie, http://www.fulltimelifeloverblog.com